THURSDAY/FAR @ Bowery Ballroom, NY 10.25.09
Back in August, Thursday announced they would be getting in on the recent trend of performing a classic album from start to finish. They would perform Full Collapse at the 2nd Bowery Ballroom date of their upcoming national tour and on top of that, a reunited Far would join them on the bill. The Bowery Ballroom date instantly sold out.
Needless to say I was personally excited for the date when it was first announced, but anticipation had especially been building since I caught Thursday at the tour's first Bowery Ballroom date with Fall of Troy back in September and I was reminded of how captivating a Thursday show can be.
Shortly after 10pm came around Full Collapse's intro "A0001" came through the loud speakers and the group took to their positions. As the feedback from the bands instruments started to sound the forward push of the crowd to the stage begin. Then all too familiar double snare hit launched the group into "Understanding In a Car Crash".
Thursday performance of Full Collapse seemed to go all too quickly, luckily as expected they stuck around for a long six song encore. Though the group hadn't play most of the songs of the album in a "very long time" it's not something you could tell from their performance. Even the song "Wind-up" to, which Geoff admitted was a one of the only bad songs on the record, was pulled off with ease. Though I can't vouch for everyone in attendance, I believe the mixed crowd of both teenagers and adults seemed to be have gotten exactly what they expected and maybe a little more.
Understanding In A Car Crash
Autobiography of a Nation
A Hole In The World
Cross Out The Eyes
Paris In Flames
I Am the Killer
Standing On The Edge of Summer
How Long is the Night?
The Otherside of the Crash
Beyond the visible spectrum
Resuscitation of a Dead Man/Friends In the Armed Forces
Circuits of Fever
Jet Black New Year
War All The Time

The newly reunited FAR also played!
Wear It So Well
I Like It
Water &
Man Overboard
Bury Aisle
Waiting For Sunday
Love American
Really Here
Mother Mary

THURSDAY's Annual Holiday Show
@ Starland Ballroom, Sayerville NJ 30/12/2009
best classic lineup!
THURSDAY - Full Collapse
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