Sound and Fury 2010 Update
A few exciting things to announce in the Sound and Fury camp:
-It’s happening in July (most likely mid-to-late July)
-It’s happening in the Ventura/Santa Barbara area again
We’ve also made some awesome additions to our Sound and Fury planning crew. Joey Cahill (6131 Records) and Ray Harkins (ex-Taken, Century Media) will be helping us out. We brought them on to add some new blood and fresh ideas to the mix. That said, they’ll be taking the lead on the booking duties this year. In the meantime, you can hit all of us up here:
EMAIL: soundandfuryfestival@gmail.com
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/soundandfuryfest
MYSPACE: www.myspace.com/soundandfuryfestival
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/sound_and_fury
More info to come in mid-March!
今年こそは・・・ということで今年はWARPED TOURやBAMBOOZLEではなくS&Fを狙ってます。航空券が高い時期なのは引っかかるけど節約に努力します。
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